Isabella´s Portafolio

10th Grade Art Work

In this project what we had to do, was choose a famous person or friend that we would draw. Then print out one of their photographs and then draw it using pencil but we would only draw the silhouettes. Once the silhouette was finished we would choose what we were going to right in to fill all dark spaces and the  silhouette also with words. It could be a song to this person or written by this artist if a famous person was chosen. It could also be a letter to your friend, famous person of choice.

For this project what was easy to me was to choose the person that I would draw, I chose one of my best friends because she is a person that means a lot to me, and later on when I was finished with the project I could give it to her as a gift. Also choosing what I would write in the portrait was also easy, I wrote her a letter. What was the hardest for me in this project was making sure that the letters went the right way in the writing, and making sure I wouldn't go out of the lines of the silhouette and keeping the size of my letters equal. This is a project that took quite a bit of time but I enjoyed a lot and would be happy to repeat it. 

In this project the instructions that were given was to make a collage that represents us and what we like. This was one of my favorite projects because we were able to get very created to find ways to represent ourselves, as individuals. What i did first was paint the background with black paint so what I would stick on it would stand out, but then I painted blotches of paint on to the background because it represents that are days are filled with color and life.  then chose a picture that represents my best friends, and how important they are to me. Then put it on crepe paper because it is one of the most important things to me so I wanted it to stand out the most. Then I put a horse on my collage because it represents my love for horses and what a big part horses are in my life. There is also a flower because I am really interested in exotic things not only flowers including food and interest also in culture ways, for example oriental culture. Then I put a quote that is resembled by the girls dancing in the rain representing that I love taking chances, and love reading quotes. 

The easiest part for me in this project was painting and deciding what I wanted to put in my collage to represent me as an individual. The harder part of the project was finding ways to represent these things on my collage. Then deciding how to put it on so it made sense to the person who was looking at my collage, and make what was stuck on stand up. Also wanting to make it look neat was a challenge because I used various materials including paint. 
In this project what we did was first we investigated first on pop art to have a background on that art style. After this what we did was choose a famous person, that we were going to first draw on our canvas. Print the picture of the famous person that you wanted to do. Then we did squares on the printed picture, to be able to draw it the same size an correctly on the canvas using this techniques that is by measuring the squares and making a scale. Then drawing square by square what belongs in each square. After having it all drawn in erase the lines, after this choose to opposite colors or black and white being the face and another alternative color as a background. After this shade it in and paint your drawing. Then we made a bibliography of were we got the picture that we drew. 

The easiest part of this project for me was drawing on the canvas because we used these squares it made it easier, to draw it the same as the printed picture, using grid technique. Then painting on what I drew was a challenge for me because it was hard to get the colors that I expected and it was really hard painting exactly on the lines and making it look the way I wanted. Also making the shades with the paint to make it look real. Also keeping the canvas neat at making the picture look real. This project made me learn many things about making a portrait look real and different techniques that there are to make portraits.